We’d love to hear from you. Simply reach out in whatever way is most convenient, and we’ll assist you as quickly as we can. Feel free to use our contact form or call one of the phone numbers listed below.

Please do not send sensitive information through email or the contact form (like account numbers), since these modes of communication are not entirely secure.

Phone: 586-264-1212 or 800-974-6478 
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 586-264-9447

24-Hour Telephone Banking

Do basic banking over the phone by calling Telephone Access System (TAS) at 1-800-466-1212.


Visa® Credit Card 24/7 Member Service & Report a Lost/Stolen Card



Report a Lost or Stolen Mastercard® debit card

Please call us during regular business hours at 586-264-1212 or 1-800-974-6478.

After hours:

Within the US — 1-888-241-2510
Outside the US — 1-909-941-1398

ALSO, you can block your cards, through your Home Banking login.

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  • Optional OK Phone is required
  • OK Questions is required
  • OK is required

Proud to be a Number

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